Week Class Sesion: Weight and Death Animation Render

Thursday 30th April 2015

Session Review

2d Death cycle by Sebastian Jones
To begin this morning class I have rendered my hand-drawn death cycle and each stage as the character falls to the ground is well done my sprite sheet mood board aided me well.

During the class review session, I submitted all of the 2d animations and Boney character animations to gain critical feedback and surprisingly more members of the class gave me feedback on y archer animation including the tutor commenting that my key poses were excellent I simply needed to create more in-between frames and make sure the archers right leg stretches forward as he pulls the bowstring.

In addition, my fellow classmate Geargi aided me in improving my troll characters lip-sync by fixing an issue with the right cheek moving into his mouth. This was simply done by including a closed mouth pose at the start of the animation to make his lip movement more fluid.



By Sebastian Jones


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