Goblin 2d Lip Sync Session 2

Wednesday 22nd April 2015

Session Review

Experimentation with models limbs

During today’s session for the goblin 2d lip sync I ham simply colouring and shading the other remaining frames. Despite wanting have spare time to learn more about the new Hulk Rigged character I obtained, it was worth completing the colouring for the goblin lip sync. Additionally I created a gif to observe if the frames would smoothly transition and appear as if the goblin was saying “What You Want”?

I have also saved each frame as a png ready to place them in adobe premiere once I record the audio saying “What you want”. Also the last remaining hours of this session was spent playing around with the Hulk rig learning how to move the main legs and arms.

However, interestingly I originally found the visibility of the characters skeleton to be a hindrance blocking me form seeing only the character controls; however, the skeletons is a good guide to see the limbs move and bend and helps me to capture particular frames that I desire.

Overall when I enter the lesson tomorrow I will have another animation ready to display to the lecturer and the Hulk character file has been set up ready for me to start a 3d walk cycle.

By Sebastian jones


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