Goblin 2d Walk Cycle Session 3

Wednesday 8th April 2015

Session Review

During this session, I have managed to successfully create my goblin walk cycle which is indeed perhaps one if my best  2d animations since I reflected on the feedback my lecturer had given me for all of my 2d animations and the advice was for me to draw the in-between frames for my animations. In this walk cycle the movement of both the legs and arms are smooth and transitions to each keyframe beautifully; however I also noticed that the goblins head size increases and decreases this is due to a lack of constancy for his head which can easily be fixed by copying the first head or resizing frames with smaller heads.

I also returned to the troll model and decided to initiate the creation of a lip sync by applying an Orc or Uruk-hai line form the Lord of Rings Trilogy.

By Sebastian Jones


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