Week Six: Lip Sync Cont'd

Wednesday 17th February 2015

Session Review

During today's session, I managed to scan the mouth sketches I had previously drawn in the class session last Thursday; however this time I went to dafont and under heads found a reference in the cartoon face and studied the eyes and created different faces entirely from drawing different eyes.

Final Lets Boogie lip sync By Sebastian Jones
I created a gif file as usually in Photoshop; however, since the lip-sync animation required sound I saved  each individual frame as a png file and imported the frames along with the WAV file saying "Lets boogie" in to Adobe Premiere to be edited. I am very pleased with this lip-sync animation and more impressed that I created a final rendered animation on time for me to catch my train; however, I would have liked more time to create variations with the other character eyes to create different emotions.



By Sebastian Jones


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