Maya Continued Experimettston

Wednesday 25th February 2015

Session Review

Following on from the previous class session I have decided to recreate the frames from my angry Monty walk cycle and apply it to the biped named Boney. As time passed I began to reacquainted with 3d animation and additionally become more accustomed to Mayas 2014 interface,

Another point of interest is my first attempt was to create a keyframe each second; however, this means the animation will play to quickly not giving the model enough time to slowly transition into the next frame. So I decided to create a keyframe every two seconds and this was an excellent decision. Furthermore, I could see the movement of Boney's legs transitioning into the next keyframe.

After copying the Monty walk cycle in Maya and attempting to refine the frames in the animation, I proceeded to search for additional rigged models on a royalty-free website.

Guides and Resources,topicNumber=d30e782936

By Sebastian Jones


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